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Venus In Pisces

Jan 26 - Feb 20, 2023


Venus, the Sacred Feminine, has entered Pisces, the sign of compassion, unconditional love, boundlessness. Exalted in her favorite sign of the Zodiac, Venus is at her highest, finest expression in Pisces. I sense her as a mermaid swimming in the Galactic Sea, singing her siren song, activating healing waves with her frequency.

At the time of her ingress, Venus will be in a loose and separating conjunction with Saturn, Lord Karma, Father Time and planet of focus and crystallization. I feel Saturn’s boundaries containing creative, Venusian energy. Saturn is conjunct Deneb Algedi, one of the Royal, Behenian stars that inspired ancient alchemists. Deneb Algedi is, “said to cause beneficence and destructiveness, sorrow and happiness, and life and death.”1

Vesta and Neptune are still holding hands at 23˚ and 24˚ Pisces, respectively… the Priestess and temple-tender preparing sacred space, birthing cosmic consciousness and Divine inspiration into the waters of the collective unconscious.

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Jupiter and Juno, philanderer and jealous wife, King and Queen of the Heavens holding hands in the first degrees of Aries. I feel the Divine spark, passion, desire, life force energy elevating the archetypes out of the patriarchy and into harmony with the now.

Aries rules the head, Aquarius the ankles, Pisces the feet. To embody this energy, you might meditate while indulging in a foot massage or pedicure. Create space in mind to perceive intuition, allow flexible boundaries and time for the unfolding.

Sound Alchemy

G# Androgynous Indium feels like Void energy to me. Androgynous energy is balanced, neither masculine nor feminine; this bowls guides mind into theta. Indium resonates with the metaphor of Indra’s Net, which describes the holographic nature of the Universe.

C# Ocean Gold is Larimar and 24kt gold. His voice connects me to my Higher Self, Atlantean energy, and evokes the sense of a dolphin pod dancing, surfing, playing in the waves.

F# Phenacite opens interstellar, dimensional portals; it is a potent third eye stone that resonates the Soul Star Chakra and activates the etheric blue print.

Dance of Venus

Each month, Venus meets the Crescent Moon to form an energetic gate, serving as a portal through which creative, intuitive, feminine aspects of consciousness may inform and activate the energy body.

The Venus cycle ushers an ongoing alchemical process that subtly purifies and empowers the Feminine archetype, guiding humans to unbecome: clear layers of conditioning, expand conscious awareness, create space to sink deeper into the physical vessel, and relax into this present moment.

The Dance of Venus holds sacred, crystalline space for this deeply unconscious process. Make the unseen seen, hold space for the rising Feminine, embody the Venus cycle as immortalized in the Sumerian myth of Inanna's Descent.

Mid-march tentative {VIRTUAL} launch. Stay tuned for details as this collaborative, hybrid (virtual and in-person) offering continues to unfold and reveal itself.

From the Great Above
She opened her ear to the Great Below.
From the Great Above
The Goddess opened her ear to the Great Below.
From the Great Above
Inanna opened her ear to the Great Below.

My Lady abandoned heaven and earth to
descend to the underworld.
Inanna abandoned heaven and earth to
descend to the underworld.
She abandoned her office of holy priestess
to descend to the underworld.

If these posts speak to you, resonate, or create dissonance, please do share your experience; I would love to hear from you!

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Quantum Apothecary
Quantum Apothecary
Becky Shanks